I wanted to point out a few things from my Ohio trip.
1- In Columbus, when we actually got to visit the downtown area of the city, they had a pizza truck for the late hours of the evening. Brilliant I must say. It was located in the area where all the bars were and we all know that drunk people like pizza.
2- Cereal in particular was ridiculously cheap, at least in Target. They had regular sized and jumbo sized boxes and none of them were over $4. What??? How is that possible? My only guess is that aside from NY prices being truly obscene, Ohio is in the breadbasket region, or close enough so grain is cheap.
3- Not everything is cheap. My roommate on this trip was crazy allergic to almost everything and so she had to seek out the health food store in order to get foods she could eat. We went to the Whole Foods equivalent, called the Raisin Rack. Man, did they have everything. There was a gluten- free, yeast-free, sugar free, whatever free option of everything. There was a whole section of things made out of tapioca flour, which is apparently a gluten alternative.
There were also an astonishing variety of milk alternatives including the usual rice and soy as well as hemp, oat and coconut. None of this stuff was cheap.
There was even a section of alternative mayonnaises.
So overall, a pretty interesting store. Unfortunately all the free food we got from our hotel wasn't generally that great, but oh well. More cooking adventures will likely be on their way in a bit.
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