On Monday I cooked beets, which I used to really hate but now I like them a lot. I don't want to eat them too often or they get tiring but they have a nice earthy feel and I feel like I'm eating something nutritious when I eat them. I usually boil them or occasionally slice them and bake them in the oven but I was feeling lazy so I tried to fry them in a pan and sort of steam them. It was mildly successful but probably not the best way to cook them. If I was cool enough, or wanted to spend $15 on a t-shirt, I could celebrate beets with this swanky T-shirt from Philabundance, a food bank in Philly that we visited.

I think I like the squash version better though.

Anyway, despite an overwhelming lack of response from my last post, I am pressing on in the blog world. Philly was a wirlwind of eating because my Americorps training provided us with free food. Yay free food! The program directors all encouraged us to eat up because we won't have the luxury of eating a lot on an Americorps budget. After the week of training we had a little time around the city so I went to check out the Reading Terminal Market, which was just a few blocks from where we were staying. I had been desperately wanting a cheesesteak but unfortunately we ate right before we our programming ended and I only had a few hours before catching my train home. I really wanted to eat a cheesesteak but I just wasn't hungry, and sadly a cheesesteak isn't really something you take and save. So I missed my chance. However, I did have a nice look around the market and felt completely jealous that I don't live right there in Philly. It made me miss the Farmer's Market in Atown. The Reading market had much less in the way of produce and much more in the way of food stall where you could get a meal.I would have loved to buy some things but I didn't want to deal with transporting them so I only bought a bag of freshly ground coffee. I also knew I'd be visiting the Atown farmers market soon anyway so I could get my produce there. I took some photos of the array of food.
Then we have a little glimpse inside the market followed by some chocolate covered potato chips!!!
It would be great to have a market like available, which reminds me that I should go looking for markets around here because I know some exist.
LOVE farmer's markets. Off to mine in a few minutes.
ReplyDeleteWhat are you doing through Americorps? I need an update! Perhaps I'll look through your blog archive...
I'm working as part of the New York Coalition Against Hunger at a food bank in Long Island. I'm working in agency relations and food stamp outreach which seems to encompass a lot of things. Busy Times!