
Wednesday, February 8, 2012


In the tradition of Iron Chef, the Next Food Network Star, The Next Great Baker, American Idol, America's Next Top Model and so on, I'd like to announce the beginning of a new contest here at Road Raging Foodie which will be known as:


This furious competition will be a battle between only the best of the best non-dairy drinks as they compete to replace milk in my diet.

Let me explain the background of this competition. First, let me say, that I'm not giving up dairy altogether. I simply love it far too much to do that, however, I am attempting to cut down on my dairy intake. I've also done a bit of reading on milk and the negative impact of the hormones etc. Even buying organic milk, there's only so much you can do to counteract the fact that you are drinking another animal's milk and no other animal does that. There are a lot of people who claim that we should not be consuming milk after we are babies. Many sources say that it actually has damaging effects on bones and instead of building up the calcium it actually depletes it. Our bodies shouldn't be processing the animal proteins. I need to do some more research to see what the difference between animal proteins in meat and animal proteins in milk are. But regardless, milk has fat and it definitely clogs up my sinuses so I think  it wouldn't be a bad idea to cut down on it. I do love cheese, and cheese is worse than milk but I'm making an effort to make some changes.

In light of this, we begin the competition for a new milk product! Let's meet the competitors:

First up we have Oat Milk. I saw this in Stop and Shop believe it or not, while I was looking for hemp milk. I like the flavor of oats and it seemed like it would have good body. I chose the original flavor, with no vanilla.

Next up, Hemp Milk. Again, I chose the original flavor, no vanilla, which was hard to find. This was courtesy of Trader Joe's ( who did NOT have oat milk by the way). I tried a different brand of Hemp milk at my parent's house recently and it was pretty decent.
Finally we have Coconut Milk. This one is kind of a throw away because I'm expecting it to taste like coconut water, which I hate. I'm hoping that it doesn't taste like that but it was by far the cheapest so I figured it was worth the experiment. This also was courtesy of Trader Joe's.

Certainly there are other milks that could be added to the competition, and perhaps at stage two they will be, but I have reservations about the others. I've never been a big fan of soy in past, nor do I really want to get into drinking soy milk as it also has a lot of adverse hormonal effects and I don't want those.  I've had almond milk before and don't really love it, although it was better than soy. Rice milk doesn't really impress me either, though still better than soy. Maybe I will try them again if I'm unsatisfied with these three.

In this competition, the milks must pass several tests to be considered a winner:

Test 1: The Cereal Test: How does the milk taste in a bowl of cereal, or several different kinds of cereals?

Test 2: The Cookie Test: How does the milk hold up against a delicious cookie?

Test 3: Straight Up Test: What does the milk taste like by itself?

Test 4: Presentation Test: What is the consistency like? Does it feel like drinking milk or is it like drinking white water? How does it appear? Is their body?

Test 5: Coffee Test: How does it taste in coffee, tea, etc? ( This is a really a sub-test because I'm still using creamer or half and half in my coffee and I doubt that will change... but you never know)

Test 6: The Nutrition Test: What is the fat content, sugar content, calorie content, protein etc? 

These are the challenges! Stay tuned to see my reviews!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Em, where you be?

    I've nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. Have fun!

    Go to:
