
Monday, January 10, 2011

Our Daily Bread...

It only just occurred to me today that I've managed to keep food in my job/ service, without really thinking about it. Today was my first day working with Island Harvest ( a great organization by the way) and their primary function is as a resource for families in need of food. They provide a lot of access to resources for poverty but the overall program I'm working with in AmeriCorps is the New York City Coalition Against Hunger. So basically we don't want anyone to have to go without food. Food is a very basic need and I felt strongly about being part of this organization's programs, more so than some of the organizations within the coalition. I wanted to be part of the program because food is just something everyone should have, but the more I think about it, the more interesting I find it that I wound up here, working in a food-based environment.

While I'm not dealing directly with collecting cans or serving meals at a soup kitchen as part of my job description, I am going to be working with and talking to organizations which do these things. And when I go to training in February there is some talk of helping out at a food bank. Anyway, I'm certainly not going to tell anyone how to spend their time or money but I just want to put it out there that organizations like Island Harvest and their partners are a very good thing for the world, and that no one should have to go without food.

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