Somehow my quiche posts seem to coincide with pasta. Actually, I just haven't gotten around to the pasta post until now.
Last weekend I decided to finally make grandma's sauce. Every Italian family thinks they make the best sauce, but obviously mine is right. There's not a lot involved in the recipe but it does call for a 3 hour simmer, so I have been putting it off. I found a pretty neat Italian supermarket recently and so I had purchased a bit of chopped sirloin to make meatballs with. Unfortunately it sat in my fridge for a number of days so I had to toss some of it. The rest I made in to very makeshift meatballs. I forgot to buy breadcrumbs so I mixed up Parmesan cheese, parsley, egg and some bread that I toasted up in the pan quickly, together with the meat. It had a little trouble holding its shape, but it wasn't bad tasting. I fried them up in a pan and then put them aside to go into the sauce at the end. I was worried that the meat I had cooked also went bad but it turned out to be just fine. The sauce is pretty good, somehow not as good as grandma's, even though I fried up some garlic to put in it. It is nice to have some decent sauce now.
Today, quiche is the name of the game. I've had a crust in the freezer for quite a long time and finally decided it was time to use it. I also froze my excess collard greens from a few weeks ago and it seemed like a good experiment. Once again, I didn't quite have the right ingredients so instead of milk and/or yogurt I had milk and sour cream. Same principle though. The collards are a new twist as well.
I fried up some garlic and onions and just for fun I put in some fake bacon for more flavor. The fake bacon doesn't really get crispy, which is really the only issue, but it still adds a nice flavor. I guess it's sort of a twist on quiche Lorraine.
The big problem is still with the crust because it's not a very good crust. It got stuck and kinda broken and its a bit freezer burned maybe. Otherwise, it cooked well, the sour cream was a success, the quiche has a smokey sort of flavor, which is a bit of a change from my normal quiche. This is much more of a quiche win than last time!
Em, did you fry up an onion along with the garlic? Also, as a substitute for lack of bread crumbs, grandma would soak a couple of slices of bread (depending on the amount of meat) in water or milk and then squeeze it out real well and then add to the meat. It adds a bit of moisture to the meat and helps it hold together better. Try that next time. :)