I traveled to Jersey for the holiday and was rewarded with lower gas prices ($3.20- $3.40!)
I also braved that dangerous post-holiday madness called Black Friday by getting up with the chickens and going to the mall ( no sales tax!). Unfortunately, Bergen County, where said mall is, still has Blue Laws which prevent it from opening before 7am. I was there at 6:15am. Don't ask me how I managed to get out of bed. I don't know.
The roads were great in the morning. Not a soul. The parking lot even had spaces in it. But as the day went on there were more and more people and it became more aggravating. Even worse, I had to go back Saturday because they forgot to take the security tag off something I purchased.
I became irritated by the following things:
1. Why do people have to walk around with iPods etc. in their ears in a mall? First off, how loud does your music have to be to hear in a mall, and second, really, you can't walk around without music for five seconds? This always bothered me on campus as well, especially since it took about 5 minutes to walk across my entire campus. I really think all these sci-fi stories about controlling our minds aren't that far off with all the stuff we have plugged into our brains. Dr. Who was right!
2. Driving around parking lots/ structures is absolutely the worst. People seem to lose their minds entirely. One woman tried to keep edging out of her space when my car was blocking her because I was stuck in a line of traffic. Shockingly it's very difficult for me to move when other people are blocking me. People also get very catty when it comes to parking spots and staking their claim on one. They also tend to drive like lunatics.
3. Why are there no book stores in the mall???!!! Oh right, cause Borders went out of business.
Actually, aside from the parking lots, I found New Jersey driving very tame. I wonder if I'm really becoming a fearsome Long Island girl. I do drive Jeep now.
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