
Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Milk Update

Just wanted to give a brief update on the search for the next milk. I know you've all been waiting breathlessly for the results.

I tested out the soy creamer and it was no good. It just tasted like soy milk, which, as I've said, I really dislike. I opened the coconut product I had bought and it was ok. Kind of neutral but nothing fabulous. I then bought the So Delicious brand of coconut drink ( unsweetened) and it's not bad. It's not nearly as good as the creamer was, but it has some potential. The consistency is a bit gelatinous, for lack of a better term. Not that it's like pudding but it has that bounce to it a little.

It wasn't bad in cereal, but unlike with milk I don't want to drink up the last bits of it sans cereal at the bottom of the bowl. It was even decent with a cookie, but again, more to provide moisture and less as a tasty treat. Still, it's definitely beating all the other candidates as a viable for multipurpose usage. I really need to go back and find the creamer again since that was ideal, but I'm glad I gave the milk version a try too. So for now, So Delicious Creamer is the winner!!

I can't say I've been doing a good job of going dairy free though. I've still had half and half in my coffee when I buy it instead of making it, and I've been having cream cheese on bagels, however, I've pretty well stopped eating cheese, which is impressive. I have sinned on occasion, but I'm doing much better! Even at Chipotle ( which I frequent far too often) I've been getting sour cream but no cheese. It's a work in progress. In other news, gas prices are insane and that makes me sad.

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