I saw the chocolate covered pumpkin peeps in the store weeks ago and couldn't decide my feelings on them. Fortunately my mom bought one each for my dad and I so I got to try one. When I opened the package I was surprised that the pumpkin has kind of a creepy face. It so
rt of like a freaky baby, or like a bath bar from Lush.
Anyway, I was excited to find that when biting into the pumpkin that it was, in fact, orange! I love orange food! Or orange anything.
There doesn't seem to be any crunchy layer of sugar, the way normal peeps have, but there's definitely some gooey sugary somet
hing between the marshmallow and the chocolate. I dissected the last bit of mine...
As it turns out, Just Born created chocolate covered chicks for Easter, though I don't recall ever seeing them. And the pumpkins also come in dark chocolate versions as well. All in all, I wasn't thrilled by them. They were actually a little too sweet. Peeps are meant to be too sweet, that's why they're awesome, but this is the wrong kind of too sweet. The whole experience was just ok, but not exceptional so I probably won't go out of my way for them in the future.
And as a throwback to living in Allentown, I found this from The Morning Call

Anyway, I was excited to find that when biting into the pumpkin that it was, in fact, orange! I love orange food! Or orange anything.
There doesn't seem to be any crunchy layer of sugar, the way normal peeps have, but there's definitely some gooey sugary somet
As it turns out, Just Born created chocolate covered chicks for Easter, though I don't recall ever seeing them. And the pumpkins also come in dark chocolate versions as well. All in all, I wasn't thrilled by them. They were actually a little too sweet. Peeps are meant to be too sweet, that's why they're awesome, but this is the wrong kind of too sweet. The whole experience was just ok, but not exceptional so I probably won't go out of my way for them in the future.
And as a throwback to living in Allentown, I found this from The Morning Call
i have some ghost peeps waiting to sit atop halloween cupcakes, but they are not chocolate covered, which automatically makes them inferior.