Well today was the day of epic pumpkin carving. Man, carving a pumpkin is a lot harder than I remembered. I bought a giant one too so it was kind of a wrestling match between me and the pumpkin. I did win though. Haha! I was going to go for the traditional scary face but we have this giant spider web decoration out front of the house and no spider for it so I decided to try out carving a spider. I found this one for inspiration and I started on the ambitious task of fighting the giant pumpkin.
This has to have been the stringiest pumpkin ever. There wasn't much goop or too many seeds but the whole body of the pumpkin was just a stringy mess which caused lots of problems. This is it cleaned out.
I was tempted not to even cut the legs out cause I wasn't sure I could do it with a giant knife but with a few tiny ones and some very strong persuasion I managed to cut out the legs too. It only took ohhhh, a few hours to do the whole thing. But it was fun!
And for good measure I roasted the seeds, the few that there were and they were delicious! Oil and salt in a 325 oven for 15 minutes. Yum!
That's pretty awesome. Alicia and I ended up doing the same thing last night.